Saturday, June 28, 2008

some lessons learned on S.T.I.N.T.

(ALL of the Stinters who lived either in Panama, East Asia or North Africa for a year, a number of them are returning for another year :)
  • God is able to do what he says he can do. (Lamentations 3:37 - The will of the Lord alone is always carried out.)
  • God’s will is perfect and he has perfect timing. I usually question if his will is the best one, and try to tell God when it’s time for him to do something. This is not smart. Ecclesiastes 3:11 - God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.
  • Stressing about situations doesn’t make them easier to get through; they often make matters worse, me busier and more irritable.
  • God’s will is not as mysterious as I’d like it to be. In James 1:5-6 it says that I should just ask God and not doubt the answer once he tells me.
  • Some days it’s the complexities of life that discourage me. I try to make peace by figuring things out. Other days it’s the complexities that bring me joy, happiness through ignorance and peace in knowing that I am some small and God is huge. Isaiah 40:28 says that no one can measure his (God’s) understanding.
  • No matter how confused, discouraged or annoyed I am, the Holy Spirit lives inside of me and I can act out of the supernatural love within me. I do not have to follow what my flesh desires; I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Ephesians 4:2 – Be humble and patient with one another, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.
  • Gods mercies are truly new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22) No matter how much I feel like I’ve abandoned God, he never abandons me. The quicker I realize this truth and accept his love, the quicker I get back into intimacy with him. If not, I tend to just blame God and ask Him why He’s abandoned me.
  • Secrecy and lies pave the way for the enemy’s work in our lives. Satan utilizes our natural tenancy to be with and influence others, so that the darkness may trickle from one person to the next. Imitation people, artificial tendencies and anything that denies truth will just eat you alive from the inside out. We are all susceptible to these lies because we’re all human.
  • Putting on the spiritual armor of the Lord daily is probably one of the largest pieces of advice I’d give anyone going into ministry. Belt of truth, Breastplate of righteousness, Shoes ready to preach peace, Shield of faith, Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit. John 10:10 - The thief comes only in order to kill, steal and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness.
  • It’s like we all grew up in a garbage dump, eating it, playing with it and smelling it all the day long. You have a garbage way of life and that is what is normal and accepted. God sweeps in with real food, real toys and nice smelling things but we have to give up everything we’re used to. Most people in the dump have no clue how bad they smell, or any reason that they’d need to change. We all live in surroundings the reek with selfishness, depravity, lack of understanding and loneliness. Not until you hand the Lord your garbage can you really get something back in return, something you could never have dreamt up or imagined in the dump.
  • Loving people deeply also means hurting deeply for them, and when apart from them feeling a profound sense of loss. In the same breathe comes deep love and great pain. Amidst this, I just need to keep a thankful heart and remember the source of love that is in within me which springs forth the pain.
  • People can survive with very little. Living in villages without sufficient water (and suffering in the hospital because of digesting bad water) or electricity showed me that people do not thrive, but survive none the less. Job 31:24-25 states, Have I put my trust in money or felt secure because of my gold? Does my happiness depend on my wealth and all that I own? This is something I need to keep myself “in check” about. I should be happy with every blessing great or small.
  • God allows us to go through times of desperation and utter confusion so that we might turn to him with all we are to seek the truth and comfort found in him. Sometimes this is the only way God can get through to us. Amos 5:14 – Do what is good and run from evil – that you may live! Then the Lord God Almighty will truly be your helper, just as you have claimed He is.
  • Language learning is all about humility. It’s often the hardest thing because it gives a good kick to your pride. Screwing up is the best way to remember what the right way of saying things are. (i.e – deditos means fingers, not teeth.learned that the hard way!) Proverbs 12:1 – Any who loves knowledge wants to be told when they are wrong. It is stupid to hate being corrected.
  • The story of Elijah really paved my way through the support raising process. Elijah goes through a miraculous experience of faith and God’s power in Chapter 18 of 1 Kings. I needed that faith to believe God would provide financially over my time on stint, just the way God sent down fire to display his power to those around that altar. But later in Chapter 19, Elijah, after experiencing such power, might and clear signs of God’s presence and guidance in his life is abandoned by his people until he was the only one left in communion with God. He never gave up, just as I couldn’t give up when I felt alone on stint or discouraged. After winter, must come spring.
  • Most times, it is better to keep my mouth shut, than to open it. Psalm 12:18 - Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal. It’s good that I’m verbal and like to express truth, but sometimes I need to be more careful. Proverbs 10:9 – Honest people are safe and secure, but the dishonest will be caught.
These are just a few thoughts I wrote down during debrief. My desire is that you would be able to relate, or be reminded of a few things. Now I'll head back into this crazy Canadian life I've now started...can't wait to see friends and family at my party tonight!! :D Much love, Tricia.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Well I'm back in Canada! After a whirlwind of a week with the Canadian team in two small villages in the Interior of Panama, we finished up the time with the project of students through a week of debriefing and training. What a blast it was. Then I had about a week to pack and say goodbye. It was a hard and happy time, I turned 22 and had a birthday party with my best friend Laura. I miss her and the whole country dearly but I know that God has called me back to Canada for a purpose greater than I understand right now. Today I just left from a time of reintegration, debriefing with over 20 other men and women who experienced a S.T.I.N.T year in Panama or other areas around the world. It was necessary and refreshing, but now I'm back in the city. Ready to take on this new chapter of my life by storm. Canada, here I come!

Monday, June 16, 2008


Buenas Tardes a todos,

2 full days left!! I have alot of things to update everyone about but my internet and phone has officially been cut and I'm at an internet cafe with not a lot of time! Just wanted to say, I'm healthy, I'm happy but very emotional and I will be in Canada soon. Crazy how quickly time flies.

Much Love,

Friday, May 30, 2008

sweet sorrow.

Right now, I am sitting in my room thats a tad chaotic right now. I'm packing and if you know me at all, these things take a while for me to do. But this is not any ordinary pack, I've got three stations of items: 1)Packing for a 3 day R&R weekend with the students in "El Valle" 2)Packing for a week long "Adventure Cycle" experience where I'll be leading a team of students through the time of their life in the interior of Panama (no shampoo allowed! haha we're ruffing it) 3)Packing for a couple days of "Debrief" to do some training, relaxing etc. with the students before they go back to Canada. 4)Collecting all the things I won't be needing in these three locations or my last week to send home with a student who lives in Canada. Confused? I leave tomorrow, first to R&R, then to the interior (Cocle), Debrief and then I have a week to pack up my life here...

But you know what, all of this running around is more than worth it when I see all the amazing things that have taken place this week and actually the whole month that the Canadian students have been down assisting the stint team and starting new ventures of their own. Yesterday was the last weekly meeting on the National Campus. Today marked the last day of on Campus for my whole S.T.I.N.T. year. I went to a Concert this afternoon arranged by Panamanian campus staff at the technological university (U.T.P) and had to do nothing behind the scenes! It was amazing to sit back and enjoy. I sat there listening as a friend of mine played some of his original songs..with a gut rut of sadness in leaving this wonderful country and this amazing job I've been blessed with all year. But after the concert I witnessed changed hearts so excited about God's love for them and dedicating their lives to serve Him. It's so simple and so liberating. The same joy students get when they hear that God loves them and has a plan for their lives is the joy I have deep down when I know that leaving Panama is part of His plan for me. It's hard to explain..."sweet sorrow" as Shakespeare put it. Now back to packing...until next time!

Monday, May 19, 2008

bienvenidos, panama project.

Well here they are folks, the crazy Canadian students that have given up a good chunk of their summer to see Gods hand at work on the campuses here. These 14 Students + 5 Full time Canadian Staff + 6 Stinters = a great mix of people really passionate about encouraging students to make long lasting changes in Panama. Thus far, the students were split into 3 groups and have been working on 4 different Campuses, Interamericana, 2 Universidades de Panamá (one in Santiago and one in Panama City) and the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá. These students have already made an amazing impact in the lives of many students. Especially on small campuses like Interamericana, you bump into people time and time again that have been impacted by spiritual conversations, and decisions made to live for Christ. A quote taken from an information sheet given to Canadians students signing up for project states:

The ministry in Latin America is at a critical stage of renewal; a new generation of staff and student leaders are being raised up. This next generation has a vision to reach their country and be a catalyst to impacting all of Central and South America with the life transforming gospel of Jesus Christ.
What has been amazing for me to witness is just the amazing joy and drive these students from Canada have. Day after day, I see God's hand at work through their faithfulness to Him. It is a wonderful thing for me to see things accomplished that our STINT team just wouldn't have been able to pull of because we're only 6. There have already been 56 decisions made by students to follow Christ with their lives. I am working alongside the different teams here, discipling two amazing girls and continuing to equip students leaders to take on whatever it is God is calling them do. I feel unexplainable joy and completely fulfilled. This is only because of the amazing God that I serve. He gives me the strength and passion I need to live for him and to help others along in the amazing adventure that is following Christ. Jesus, after talking about the relationship God wants to have with us, says in John 15:11, "These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." Today I have experienced God's words from the bible, living and active inside of me. JOY! I'm full of it! May you receive God's truth and joy today.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

where the love lasts forever.

I am sitting here at a Bagel Cafe (I never thought I would find bagels in Panama!) just a block away from the University. We had a staff meeting here, I took some quiet time with God and then had discipleship with a couple girls from Interamericana. All I really need is wireless internet, food and a couch to stay put in one place. I truly thank God for the areas in which I can see His Holy Spirit at work in my heart and in the student's hearts that I work with. What has been really cool these last couple of days is witnessing the Canadian Students dive right into interacting with Students on Campus and really enjoying Panama.

I do admit that the arrival of the Canadian Project students put me into a state of morning, only because their arrival meant the end of my Stint year as I've known it. But, that initial sadness has been replaced with joy because of all that Christ has done and will do through them. As we prayed on campus this morning for the day and the conversations the students would have on campus, I looked around and saw 20 passionate students and God's favor and smile as we sought God. As I sit here, I think of a lyrics to the song I listened to that brought tears to my eyes...

So I throw my life upon all You are,
‘Cause I know You gave it all for me,
And when all else fades,
My soul will dance.... with You,
Where the love lasts Forever.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


This past month I've had the pleasure of having both my mom and my sister come visit at different times. I was privileged to take them both away for a weekend and spend some quality time catching up. These visits were an answer from my faithful God because I was beginning to desperately miss home. I loved seeing my sweet mother and Mel is still with me here but is leaving soon!! They have both been a breathe of fresh and air. So thank you for all of you faithful prayers, God has richly blessed me with their presence and He is helping me get prepared to go home in about a month and a half now. Dios ha sido bueno...

Monday, April 14, 2008

potter and the clay.

Hey guys, hows life? This adventure in Panama never ceases to surprise me, so many changes, challenges, excitements and much much more...Here I sit at the Universidad Interamericana Panama (banner above!) feeling completely mixed about everything. Jess, on our team uses a great metaphor for this, and she puts it something like scrambled eggs. Everything is just jumbled up inside, the good - the bad, there's just logical form to my eggs! I mean, there are so many amazing things happening around me, students coming to Christ, discipleship/bible study groups are up and running and growing, Canadian students are coming down in a couple weeks to work on campus...I could go on and on about God's faithfulness here. Yet there are a few things that just seem to get us weak human beings, aren't there? My mental preparation to leave this beautiful country like thoughts of missing places and people have brought me to tears most nights these weeks. So, here I sit processing pains and passions, sorrow and excitement.

Though this is life, and I strangely enjoy this process. Daily I ask God to shape me, change me, use and challenge me so that I can change to be more like Him. As an artist, I really love the analogy from the Bible about God being the ultimate artist! He's the master sculptor, the one who shapes, refines and fires in the kiln...and the one who paints pictures that we see only glimpses of. In fact, sometimes we wait till the end of our lives to see the masterpiece. This morning during my prayer and devotional time with God, I admit it, I was arguing with Him. Sometimes I'd just rather have HIS mind, rather than mine. His perspective would just make things make more sense!! But look at what God showed me moments later below! I was humbled.

“What sorrow awaits those who argue with their Creator.
Does a clay pot argue with its maker?
Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying,
‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’
Does the pot exclaim,
‘How clumsy can you be?’
Isaiah 45:9

Monday, March 31, 2008

the morning crew.

(From left to right: Laura, Andrea, (me) Gabriela and Prissy)
Most people who know me well, would be in agreement that I'm not exactly a "morning person." I have a surprisingly limited vocabulary and it takes me a while to snap out of it. I've been told I scratch my head and kind of drag myself around for a while, generally pleasant but out of it. But some great memories are created in early rises, and most of mine are spent watching the sun rise . Which always takes my breath away cause I start reflecting on how big the universe, the sun and the earth is and how really...small I am. Humbling and comforting. (Gabriela and I...very sleepy!)
One miracle of a morning I "slept" over at Laura's house and left at around 4:30 to meet some other students and friends to watch the sunrise. I will admit that there is a beautiful combination created watching the sun come up and seeking God at such an early time. A bible, guitar, some friends and a spiritual hunger to hear from God created a morning I'll never forget. I know that this morning God spoke to each of us girls in different ways. That's what is so cool about following Christ but having others to support you. I realize that God gives of us each the holy spirit to live in us, to guide and instruct us but in different ways. All of us girls are in different journeys and seasons of life. But we're all being guided by the same loving God, a Father that sits in the throne-room of heaven who sent His son to take away the penalty for our sin and continually abides in us through the amazing presence of the Holy Spirit. This is a God I would get up at the crack of dawn any day to seek and find. This is the God that directs me as I work down here in Panama, and the one I can trust every detail of my life and future to. I encourage you to watch a sunrise, think about why God gives you breath and life and light each day to walk in and ask Him for what purpose He has created you. His many answers to that will probably blow you away...
Psalm 143:8
Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,
for I am trusting you.
Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.

Psalm 5:3
Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.
Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly

Saturday, March 29, 2008

agents of change.

Last weekend was an amazing time of teaching, learning, growing and a LOT of fun. The staff and students headed out to a camp to spend a couple days in training. How does someone actually share their faith in God? How do you then disciple someone after they've come to know God? How do you explain to someone the basics on living a "Holy Spirit" filled life? How does God want to use students to impact the world for Christ? Those are some of the topics we covered during the retreat, and as a result many students are equipped and excited about making a difference on their universities. In most cases, it's the simple things in life that make all the difference. Who knew, all it takes to share how God has changed your life is...talking with someone? Sitting down, using a tool called "The four spiritual laws" also simplifies the process. A brief version of these "laws" are that 1)God has a wonderful plan for your life but..cause we're all sinners were 2)separated from God and thats why 3)Jesus came as God to take away the penalty of sin, but we need to 4)receive him and live for him to experience freedom and purpose in our lives in relationship with God...really concise but profound. Students eyes were opened to the simplicity of living in freedom with Christ and sharing that with others.
I am thrilled to think of the changes these students with bring during their time as students, and the impact they will make as the next generations of leaders here in Panama. And my prayer is that Panama would be a country that doesn't settle for the pattern and corruption that Latin America is so used to seeing. May God be glorified through these students and this Nation. Please remember these students as you pray!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

we've had joy, we'll have fun, and new seasons in the sun.

(Steve, Jessica, Lindsey and I at a "white wedding")
March will be the last, “normal" month I head into the craziness that will finish off this stint year. I know, you guys are all thinking, Trish has 4 more months to go And this is true. But in light of how quickly these past 6 have gone, and what is in store for me until I leave, time flies. I feel like I'm heading into a new season here. Family is visiting in April, a Canadian team is coming for their own "project" May until mid June and then It'll be time to say goodbyes. I rest my case. The month of February, for those who haven’t been receiving my monthly updates, went really strange but good. I contracted an amoeba after my experience in El Cope; most likely from some water had just been heated really well instead of boiled. Recovery was less than fun, but I’m always learning. And the process continues, I change and new seasons turn and turn...
(the whole team pulled together to help Sarah, Steve and I get things started at, info cd's)
These past couple weeks on campus have been really encouraging as Steve and I have been sharing our faith more regularly on the private campus. The bible study we had on Tuesday was encouraging and uplifting as students came excited to be there. Panama is my home; I don’t have any sense of being foreign within me and in fact look at other “gringos” as if they’re intruding on my country. Funny, cause I don’t blend in at all but why does that matter anyways? Hehe. I love knowing where I'm going, speaking the language, hanging out with friends and their families. I love walking around on campus when I can say "Hi" to people I know, people that have been impacted by the message of Christ. I love worshiping God in Spanish and just the other Saturday I played in a Concert type thing, I was asked to sing a song and play guitar and it went really well. It was a blessing actually.
(Andrea in a traditional Panamanian dress and I, clearly not)
I've been continuing to learn alot...many things about myself...theres nothing like living in different circumstances to reveal natural tendencies. Not to mention the fact that this STINT team, could only have been selected by God himself to find such an eclectic mix. But I think we're all learning how to love each other, regardless of how painful it might be sometimes. I am excited for what God will continue to do through me and know that He who began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it. (Philipians 1:6) Right now, I've been sitting in a unique little bagel cafe listening to tunes and sipping green tea. Tonight, we're doing a prayer walk around the campuses and later, I'll watch some friends play soccer. One day at a time I take it, each day a gift and each day a chance to be shaped and drawn closer to God. And what will this new chapter or "season" hold? This adventure of faith in following Christ is exhilarating. Until next time!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

experiencia misionera: El Copé de La Graceada

Last weekend was “Carnivales” here in Panama and most people, if they’re not participating in the drunken festivities spend their days outside the city. A bunch of people and I went to a small village called “El Cope”(similar to “Bajo Grande”) The idea behind this type of trip is to open the eyes of students who’ve never lived and worked with people in “poverty” so to speak, and encourage them to make a long-lasting difference. We go into a community, and meet both spiritual and physical needs. The idea is not to become a “Santa Clause” to a village and leave. Long-term development, education, and ideally churches make up part of the overall vision.

The large team was divided into small groups that helped out families in their homes during the day. At night we spent time with the people and held services. There were personal testimonies, funny dramas, serious ones too and then finally a showing of the Jesus Film. For most, this was the first time they’d watched a video. The people loved us, the asked questions, they longed to learn more…what’s amazing is how little we had to do and how much God did through us. His love for the people of El Cope seeped through us, and still tugs at the deepest part of me.

Here’s an excerpt of my personal reflections written journaling:
“…The people of this community have touched my heart completely. Kids without sufficient education, children having sex and bearing babies, men given their lives to alcoholism and abusive behaviors, no running water or electricity, medical care or even an Asprin pill…I can’t stand to see this and let it be. I can’t stop thinking about the family I’ve helped for the past couple days, the mother that works at her small shop and takes care of her children while the husband is out rounding up cattle. Jesus, Kenya, Yoradis will only have a little education by the time they reach 6th grade…after that they’re done. I’ll never forget Yoradis and the excitement she had receiving my pink highlighter. Only to find her, the next day completely covered with pink, smiling in utter contentment. Kenya, quick with so many things, a young woman really, helping her mom harvest Guandu and keep the house. Endless games of “Guerra” (war) and goofing around as she corrected my Spanish are things that will forever stick with me. These children…I’m burdened to help them, see them grow into strong and healthy men and women who will change the pattern of this community. God, what do you want from me?..”
We’re planning on heading back out to the village in the middle of March. This time with bibles, classes on the basics of Christianity, Baseball equipment, Education materials for the children and whatever else God puts on our hearts. I can’t wait. So please, be grateful. Be thankful for all that you have. Don’t take the fact that you can understand what I’m writing for granted. The chair you sit in, the computer you’re using to read this. Ask God how He wants to use you, and then make a difference that will last your lifetime.
“To whom much is given, much is required.” Luke 12:48

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

officially funded.

Amazing news!! Through much prayer, guidance and financial support from my friends and family…I am excited to say that I’m FULLY FUNDED. The costs needed to support my living and ministry expenses have finally been raised. Tonight through the faithful support of amazing family in Christ, I was blown away to recieve an email that said, “Consider yourself fully funded.” Whoohoo! For some reason, trusting God with finances has been the hardest thing yet. What really astounds me, is God’s continual faithfulness and my inherent faithlessness. No area of my life that seems hard to surrender to God, challenges or weakens Him. I have this quote written in my Bible and I love it,

“In the perplexities – when we cannot tell what to do, when we cannot understand what is going on around us – let us be calmed and steadied and made patient by the thought that what is hidden from us is not hidden from God.”
There is no safer place to be, than in hands that have the ability to accomplish anything. Its true that I felt like a nut-case telling others last year that I knew God called me to Panama and that He would provide the funds for me to go. Now here I am and here I will stay. I feel like bursting out in song singing, "Great is thy faithfulness."

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of my faithful warriors in prayer, and generous givers of the finances God has entrusted to them. I have loved from the bottom of my heart, being the hands and feet that make this ministry work. I am being shaped by through the opportunities here in Panama. Students are being changed, with their minds opened to hear what this life is all about. Most importantly, our God is being glorified. He deserves all the honor and praise forever and ever. “Dios ha sido bueno.” (God has been good.)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

a vision of timeless existence.

There are things in the world that die. Like the plants I abandoned on my vacation (though I’m trying to resurrect them!) or “Mickey” my childhood pet. Parents split up and children move out. Everyday I grow older (5 months till my 22nd b-day) and thus near closer to death! Catch my drift? Change is a given. And this has been on my heart for the last couple of weeks.

While on vacation in seemingly paradise, I received a call from my sister and mom from Canada. I was in Bocas Del Toro wishing I was in Canada. Then entering on the highway going home, things felt odd. The new “family” Laura and I acquired during our stay and amazing moments flashed through my mind. I was driving into Panama wishing I was still in Bocas. Now I sit here in my apartment, knowing that in a few short months I’ll be in Canada wishing I was back in Panama. Change can be really difficult. Difficulties are inevitable.

This world is full of stuff that I just don’t like: heartbreaks, funerals, airport goodbyes, insecurities and unknowns. Yesterday after I sat down exhausted from work (next week is frosh week on campus!) and all I longed to do was seek God. I felt sadness in my heart about the future and a deep burden for Laura and some fears/spiritual darkness she’d been experiencing. So last night, Laura and I went to Casa de Oración (my church) ready to hear from God. During the service Laura and I started praying simultaneously for each other, praying through pains foreseen in saying goodbye again in 5 months (early, I know) and all that was on our hearts. Though amidst my worried prayers, God silenced me with a breath of heaven.

I saw a girl…full of joy and freedom…playing in a green field-like area. It looked like bliss, pure delight, everything radiated…it was beautiful. Tears flooded as the picture zoomed out, exposing a path through the beauty that surrounded ME! God showed me just a glimpse of how He sees things. My body is physically home on this earth but my spirit lives in that place with God, eternally. And as the vision expanded, so my tears continued to burst, revealing Laura by my side in that place with God. And as we continued on the path, so we grew and the journey still continues. This whole Blog entry might be a little heavy for some of you, but this moment yesterday really has made a mark on my life. How come? Well, first of all…I’d never had such a vivid vision from God, and second my viewpoint has expanded GI-normously! In Laura’s words, this life is a “road-trip.” I’m wearing eternal glasses now, cause everything in this world isn’t really it. Things change. I’m not physically where my spirit lives, cause that place is eternal. And my God is unchanging.
“My life is no longer than the width of my hand. An entire lifetime is just a moment to you; human existence is but a breath. We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing.” Psalm 39:5-6

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

vacation: bocas del toro.


I trust you guys had a wonderful Christmas and New Years, wherever you find yourself reading this blog. What an amazing time to restart/recharge your “Batteries” so to speak. I find myself full of ideas and thoughts about what this year will bring. I am refreshed and renewed after spending 2 weeks on vacation with my best friend Laura. We headed out New Years Day on a 10 hr. bus ride through the night. God blessed us with an awesome time, learned ALOT about myself and all sorts of people and animals! Here are some pics of the highlights!

Something I really miss about living in Panama City, and from summers at home is biking. With so much traffic on the roads and very little space for a sidewalk, its just not ideal here. But in Bocas we rented bikes right away, and it felt great to have that freedom to explore the Island.

One of the first days we took a boat tour to 3 different areas of the pearl islands… Two boys greeted us as we arrived on the famous “Red Frog Beach”, both holding their local treasure. There were really large waves, so Laura and I spent most of our time out of the water. Our guide warned us about the strong current and still someone was swept away quickly (leaving the whole beach in panic) but then rescued, thank God.

It is hard to say what was my “favorite” part of the trip. But...I LOVE SURFING. So much, I’m going to start researching how to keep on practicing in Canada…Great Lakes anyone? Two reasons: 1. Riding a wave is unbelievable fun and exhilaration. 2. It works every muscle in your body (including the ones you don’t know about).

What really struck me through my time spent there was the intricacy of God’s creation, a world that I hadn’t really experienced before, underwater. With Corals of all shapes and sizes, fish of all colors and vibrancies…what a wonderful maker.

Bocas is full of tourists, and we met people from all over the world. Including these guys from Louisiana (where Laura lived for a year) and went on a hike to this cave called “La Gruta”. I felt like I was in an India Jones movie, trekking in the dark through cold cave water, knowing the place was filled with bats by the thousands…very cool experience.

One of our last days there, we hiked to "Playa Estrella" where Starfish just flooded the shore. This was my first time holding one, and I will never forget it. Such treasures.

Here is our first upclose sighting of dolphins, my first experience with dolphins in the wild. I fell in love...they are such joyful, beautiful, peaceful animals. ENJOY!!

"The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours—you created it all." Psalm 89:11