sweet sorrow.
Right now, I am sitting in my room thats a tad chaotic right now. I'm packing and if you know me at all, these things take a while for me to do. But this is not any ordinary pack, I've got three stations of items: 1)Packing for a 3 day R&R weekend with the students in "El Valle" 2)Packing for a week long "Adventure Cycle" experience where I'll be leading a team of students through the time of their life in the interior of Panama (no shampoo allowed! haha we're ruffing it) 3)Packing for a couple days of "Debrief" to do some training, relaxing etc. with the students before they go back to Canada. 4)Collecting all the things I won't be needing in these three locations or my last week to send home with a student who lives in Canada. Confused? I leave tomorrow, first to R&R, then to the interior (Cocle), Debrief and then I have a week to pack up my life here...
But you know what, all of this running around is more than worth it when I see all the amazing things that have taken place this week and actually the whole month that the Canadian students have been down assisting the stint team and starting new ventures of their own. Yesterday was the last weekly meeting on the National Campus. Today marked the last day of on Campus for my whole S.T.I.N.T. year. I went to a Concert this afternoon arranged by Panamanian campus staff at the technological university (U.T.P) and had to do nothing behind the scenes! It was amazing to sit back and enjoy. I sat there listening as a friend of mine played some of his original songs..with a gut rut of sadness in leaving this wonderful country and this amazing job I've been blessed with all year. But after the concert I witnessed changed hearts so excited about God's love for them and dedicating their lives to serve Him. It's so simple and so liberating. The same joy students get when they hear that God loves them and has a plan for their lives is the joy I have deep down when I know that leaving Panama is part of His plan for me. It's hard to explain..."sweet sorrow" as Shakespeare put it. Now back to packing...until next time!
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