Friday, November 30, 2007

goodbye november.

Well here it is, an updated picture of the team. This was taken last weekend on and Island called, "Isla Grande"...Brent and Celeste Trickett came down from Canada to check up on us Stinters. What a great time it was to learn from them (Brent is in charge of the partnership between the campus ministry in Panama), be challenged by them, and work out some of the team dynamics and disfunctions we seemed to pin-point. It was really encouraging and alot of fun to have them down here. Not to mention, they came bearing gifts...a guitar case for me, some strings, a capo, a tuner...and a jam-packed shoe box full of goodies from home. I was a wreck opening everything up from Mom: my favorite christmas cookies, cards and notes from my family and friends, so many thoughtful things that just made me feel so loved. My "missing home" took on a whole new level that night. It's strange a journey really, but I know I will be back sooner than it seems. It's already the last day of November and how strange that is to me. It's HOT out, yet with november in my mind...and july all around me(if that makes sense!). Hearing Christmas jingles tropical style on the radio is fun though and I'm loving this new experience. Brent and Celeste also brought the team Christmas goodies, I have a stocking!!

Today, I'm heading out to a Proffesor luncheon. This is held once a semester for Prof's that let members from Campus for Christ (Vida Estudiantil) speak in their classrooms. They are behind the scenes giving the organization more and more freedom and favor from authorities. God is softening many hearts and we are just so grateful for the Prof's that are all so welcoming.

To end here are some random factoids:

  1. Toast here in Panama doesn't actually toast, it just browns cause it's so humid.
  2. I have watched more movies here than ever in my life, there's not a WHOLE lot to do at night after a long day...movies are a mere $2.50! And I actually understand them when they're voiced over (which is REALLY humerous)...this is progress!
  3. I can actually have meaningful conversations in Spanish.
  4. Most cab drivers actually point out that I look like I'm from Holland, I find this impressive.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

cada estudiante en cada universidad.

Team Interamericana
¿Who doesn't want to win an MP3 player?
Myself, and two girls who are going to be history makers at Interamerica: Laura and Jenny
Today we had our first table set up in the lobby of Interamericana. Wow, it was such a great experience!! I absolutely love this University...the students are different than at Universidad de Panama and there are alot less of them. We set up a table at the entrance, played tunes, gave out candy and took a draw for an MP3 player. The catch was, the "ballots" were spiritual interest questionnaires...amazing results. We have around 130 people who are interested in learning about how to have a relationship with God, and/or want to be part of a Bible study..!!Can you believe it? What an amazing confirmation about the need for us at Interamericana.
Thursday we have a talk arranged with 25 yr. old Carissa Reiniger, president of Silver Lining Ltd. who's the youngest Canadian to net over a million last year. "¿Quien quiere ser millionario?" will be the tag line for this conferencia.
This will continue to be a fun filled busy week! Until next time!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

He is always talking.

Something I’ve learned about myself through these months in Panama, or should I say…something that has been confirmed about myself is that I don’t like to stop. Stopping in front of crazy Panamanian cars and their noxious waste is a different story. Or stopping to comfort a friend who’s had a rough day, I don’t mind at all.

Last night I was feeling especially homesick and I realize these things only set in when you have the time to stop and think. Taking the time to pray or read the word of God is something I all too often do, just to get on with my day. It sounds a lot like, “Alright God, these are the things on my mind…this is what I have planned today. Please bless it, give me whatever I need to do it…and yeah, thanks for being so great to me. Amen.” Ouch. I mean, God knows what I’ve planned and what will happen. He doesn’t need a breakdown of my schedule or anything for that matter. The whole deal with prayer is that it’s a conversation. Not just a one sided rant. And if it were one sided, I should be the one listening. I mean, If God IS GOD than He should be the one doing most of the talking seeing as He already knows everything and I’m the one that needs help.

Today I have been forced to stay at home to be still. Yesterday I organized some team fun at the ice skating rink and managed to twist my knee playing a little “follow the leader” (me being the leader). I’ve been hobbling around making soup, tea, doing laundry etc. and I was really close to going to church but nope. The pain killed my plans and forced me to rest. This is becoming more than a familiar lesson from God…Slow down. Be still. Listen to my voice. Chill out. It’s not something I like doing hence the repetition from God.

He definitely made His point clear when I sat down just a few moments before 11 to realize today is Remembrance Day in Canada. If we don’t take the time to remember those who fought for our freedom, we miss out on appreciating our lives and this world. If I don’t take the time to remember where I’ve come from, how God has carried me etc., I miss out as well. And how do I remember if I don’t take the time to rest, reflect, remember…rejuvenate.

Last week, Bajo Grande was a whirlwind of action on which I functioned with around 6 hrs of sleep in total. And this week will be full of outreaches and action at Interamericana. But what is the use of doing things for God when you can’t say you’ve listened to Him lately. He’s always trying to get a word in edgewise with me, How about you? Do you talk to God like He works at some fast food prayer joint? Do you think it’d be silly to listen to God’s voice at all? Give it a try. A good start is looking at what He’s already said in the Bible. Listening to God doesn’t always fit our schedules, or fit our measure of faith, but how can we know if we never stop to try. He is always talking.

Juan 10:27-28
Mis ovejas oyen mi voz; yo las conozco y ellas me siguen.
Yo les doy vida eterna, y nunca perecerán, ni nadie podrá arrebatármelas de la mano.

Let me know if you’d like to get my monthly updates with more details about my ministry here. Leave a comment here, or at

Thursday, November 1, 2007

me encanta.

~ Laura and I ~

Wow! Is it really November? I think the heat here in Panama makes it hard to believe that it really is no longer “summer” and that the winter months are ahead of those at home. The past week we’ve seen a lot of rain here, but that is usually accompanied by much humidity, so there are none of those cozy “grab a sweater” rainy days. Anyways, enough about weather…

These have been some exciting weeks for me. I feel like I’m being used by God so much, and in that process learning so much. So many things add to the feeling of my spiritual “body” undergoing a serious growing spurt…Many things have gone on the past couple weeks. Sarah is back from Halifax safe and sound :) Necessary papers were retrieved, and many other fun gifts from the homeland! Jon and Lindsey went to Nicaragua to do some future planning for Campus for Christ. They had a chance to talk with leaders all over Latin America. Some issues came up within the team that made for some rough times; communication skills are so vital. Please pray for unity and love.

And something I’ve been so overjoyed about is my new involvement full time at this Private University called, “Interamericana”. Two weeks ago Laura (Panamanian & Best friend) and I put together a video about the realities of this world, things we all too often forget. We went from classroom to classroom showing this short video and talking about our presence as “Vida Estudiantil” on campus. It was a great way to get students thinking outside of their egocentrical box to really consider the impact they could have on this world. We also advertised an outreach that was put on this past Tuesday, “What happens after SEX?” People came and packed the room we booked for the event. God is so faithful. There’s always a risk with these things…will anyone really show? Of course they will! And they sure did.

Tomorrow we head out to "Bajo Grande" which is this remote village in running water a.k.a no showering, no grocery stores, no NADA! And the adventure continues...