Thursday, May 1, 2008


This past month I've had the pleasure of having both my mom and my sister come visit at different times. I was privileged to take them both away for a weekend and spend some quality time catching up. These visits were an answer from my faithful God because I was beginning to desperately miss home. I loved seeing my sweet mother and Mel is still with me here but is leaving soon!! They have both been a breathe of fresh and air. So thank you for all of you faithful prayers, God has richly blessed me with their presence and He is helping me get prepared to go home in about a month and a half now. Dios ha sido bueno...


Anonymous said...

and YOU a breath of fresh air to me! i love you sis! thanks for everything! xoxoxoxXOXO

Daniel Jagt said...

Awww.... I think I'm misting up.
