potter and the clay.
Hey guys, hows life? This adventure in Panama never ceases to surprise me, so many changes, challenges, excitements and much much more...Here I sit at the Universidad Interamericana Panama (banner above!) feeling completely mixed about everything. Jess, on our team uses a great metaphor for this, and she puts it something like scrambled eggs. Everything is just jumbled up inside, the good - the bad, there's just logical form to my eggs! I mean, there are so many amazing things happening around me, students coming to Christ, discipleship/bible study groups are up and running and growing, Canadian students are coming down in a couple weeks to work on campus...I could go on and on about God's faithfulness here. Yet there are a few things that just seem to get us weak human beings, aren't there? My mental preparation to leave this beautiful country like thoughts of missing places and people have brought me to tears most nights these weeks. So, here I sit processing pains and passions, sorrow and excitement.
Though this is life, and I strangely enjoy this process. Daily I ask God to shape me, change me, use and challenge me so that I can change to be more like Him. As an artist, I really love the analogy from the Bible about God being the ultimate artist! He's the master sculptor, the one who shapes, refines and fires in the kiln...and the one who paints pictures that we see only glimpses of. In fact, sometimes we wait till the end of our lives to see the masterpiece. This morning during my prayer and devotional time with God, I admit it, I was arguing with Him. Sometimes I'd just rather have HIS mind, rather than mine. His perspective would just make things make more sense!! But look at what God showed me moments later below! I was humbled.
Does a clay pot argue with its maker?
Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying,
‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’
Does the pot exclaim,
‘How clumsy can you be?’
Isaiah 45:9
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