the morning crew.
Most people who know me well, would be in agreement that I'm not exactly a "morning person." I have a surprisingly limited vocabulary and it takes me a while to snap out of it. I've been told I scratch my head and kind of drag myself around for a while, generally pleasant but out of it. But some great memories are created in early rises, and most of mine are spent watching the sun rise . Which always takes my breath away cause I start reflecting on how big the universe, the sun and the earth is and how really...small I am. Humbling and comforting.
(Gabriela and I...very sleepy!)

One miracle of a morning I "slept" over at Laura's house and left at around 4:30 to meet some other students and friends to watch the sunrise. I will admit that there is a beautiful combination created watching the sun come up and seeking God at such an early time. A bible, guitar, some friends and a spiritual hunger to hear from God created a morning I'll never forget. I know that this morning God spoke to each of us girls in different ways. That's what is so cool about following Christ but having others to support you. I realize that God gives of us each the holy spirit to live in us, to guide and instruct us but in different ways. All of us girls are in different journeys and seasons of life. But we're all being guided by the same loving God, a Father that sits in the throne-room of heaven who sent His son to take away the penalty for our sin and continually abides in us through the amazing presence of the Holy Spirit. This is a God I would get up at the crack of dawn any day to seek and find. This is the God that directs me as I work down here in Panama, and the one I can trust every detail of my life and future to. I encourage you to watch a sunrise, think about why God gives you breath and life and light each day to walk in and ask Him for what purpose He has created you. His many answers to that will probably blow you away...

Psalm 143:8
Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,
for I am trusting you.
Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.Psalm 5:3Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.
Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly
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hey hey... maaannn i look like a dinasour in every pictute.. besides that.. God is amazingly awesoooomee.. GLORRRRYYYY TO GOOOODDDD!!
attte laura..
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