Monday, April 23, 2007

Spring has sprung and so has this new blog..

Alright, here I am. Despite my technological problemas and a fatal attempt to blog through, I have now fully entered this blogging world. I really didn't think the day would come. I guess I just couldn't deny the advantages.

As I sit here, I'm thinking ahead to all of the posts that will track the faithfulness of God in my life and in this world. I hope that this will be a great way to connect with my friends, family, and any other extended contacts that wish to hear about my journey towards and through an short term (one year) internship program with Campus for Christ in PANAMA! Words could not express my excitement and anticipation to go on this adventure, to fully rely on God's guidance and not my own fears in the process. How will i deal being away from Canada? Will I be able to communicate in Spanish? How ever will there be enough funding to go? And where will it come from? Despite all the lingering questions in my head I am well aware that God, the foundation of life and this journey he's placed me in, knows what He's doing. And all I want to do is trust him, let him lead the way because Lord knows I would mess things up!

Alright, so have I mentioned how excited I am about this summer? And this day is such a blessing, i love dramatic rainy/windy/bursts of sunshine days. I plan on retrieving all my studio work from school, a little planning of my week, a little reading "funding your ministry" and hanging out with my dearest friend Robyn Asplen (aka. babu, bobby, boeboe, babs, beans, beanzoid, t-bone, i could go on) who just walked in the door!

And how could I forget to mention how happy I am to be an aunt for the 3rd time to a wonderfully beautiful niece, Annalise born on Saturday, April 21st to my brother Dan and his wife Sandi. This world is full of miracles, she is one of them.

Okie doke, that's it for today folks.

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."


Unknown said...

welll my beautiful wonderful sista, i'm proud to be yet again the bearer of the first official comment to your beautiful blog... very nice, gotta admit. i'm impressed with your techie skills... but you're gonna have to work on this anonymous comment thing. so i'm still in denial that you're really leaving... but even in this state of false reality i'm so proud of you and this journey you are embarking upon.. (wow how's that for poetic?) HAH! anyways my love, keep me posted on how the plans are going with the trip... and maybe i'll see you around sometime.... LOOVE love love tu mama
ps. te amo

SLH said...

Hey, I like the new blog. :) Here's to an awesome STINT team!

Anonymous said...

hey pooper... so i just read all of ur stuff. and is just amazing... i gotta say im PROUD of u.. because this is a MIRACLE ur actually using technology .. AWESOME im proud of u... =) and i cant wait for u to come.. pfftt come on we know ur gonna raise the money cuz Gods good... and he OWNS EVERYTHING.. so maybe ur gonna wake up one day adn ur gonna have 25,000 dollars unerd ur pillow or something.. who knows , Gods amazing like that..!! so see ya in like 3 months... JEZZZZ 3 months yo..!! i cant wait...
anyways rememebr bringin ur diapers u know for what.. hehe..!!
t amo loser...!!
tu mamacita bonita cereza.. =)