I trust you guys had a wonderful Christmas and New Years, wherever you find yourself reading this blog. What an amazing time to restart/recharge your “Batteries” so to speak. I find myself full of ideas and thoughts about what this year will bring. I am refreshed and renewed after spending 2 weeks on vacation with my best friend Laura. We headed out New Years Day on a 10 hr. bus ride through the night. God blessed us with an awesome time, learned ALOT about myself and all sorts of people and animals! Here are some pics of the highlights!
Something I really miss about living in Panama City, and from summers at home is biking. With so much traffic on the roads and very little space for a sidewalk, its just not ideal here. But in Bocas we rented bikes right away, and it felt great to have that freedom to explore the Island.
One of the first days we took a boat tour to 3 different areas of the pearl islands… Two boys greeted us as we arrived on the famous “Red Frog Beach”, both holding their local treasure. There were really large waves, so Laura and I spent most of our time out of the water. Our guide warned us about the strong current and still someone was swept away quickly (leaving the whole beach in panic) but then rescued, thank God.
It is hard to say what was my “favorite” part of the trip. But...I LOVE SURFING. So much, I’m going to start researching how to keep on practicing in Canada…Great Lakes anyone? Two reasons: 1. Riding a wave is unbelievable fun and exhilaration. 2. It works every muscle in your body (including the ones you don’t know about).
What really struck me through my time spent there was the intricacy of God’s creation, a world that I hadn’t really experienced before, underwater. With Corals of all shapes and sizes, fish of all colors and vibrancies…what a wonderful maker.

Bocas is full of tourists, and we met people from all over the world. Including these guys from Louisiana (where Laura lived for a year) and went on a hike to this cave called “La Gruta”. I felt like I was in an India Jones movie, trekking in the dark through cold cave water, knowing the place was filled with bats by the thousands…very cool experience.
One of our last days there, we hiked to "Playa Estrella" where Starfish just flooded the shore. This was my first time holding one, and I will never forget it. Such treasures.
Here is our first upclose sighting of dolphins, my first experience with dolphins in the wild. I fell in love...they are such joyful, beautiful, peaceful animals. ENJOY!!
"The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours—you created it all." Psalm 89:11