goodbye november.
Well here it is, an updated picture of the team. This was taken last weekend on and Island called, "Isla Grande"...Brent and Celeste Trickett came down from Canada to check up on us Stinters. What a great time it was to learn from them (Brent is in charge of the partnership between the campus ministry in Panama), be challenged by them, and work out some of the team dynamics and disfunctions we seemed to pin-point. It was really encouraging and alot of fun to have them down here. Not to mention, they came bearing gifts...a guitar case for me, some strings, a capo, a tuner...and a jam-packed shoe box full of goodies from home. I was a wreck opening everything up from Mom: my favorite christmas cookies, cards and notes from my family and friends, so many thoughtful things that just made me feel so loved. My "missing home" took on a whole new level that night. It's strange a journey really, but I know I will be back sooner than it seems. It's already the last day of November and how strange that is to me. It's HOT out, yet with november in my mind...and july all around me(if that makes sense!). Hearing Christmas jingles tropical style on the radio is fun though and I'm loving this new experience. Brent and Celeste also brought the team Christmas goodies, I have a stocking!!
Today, I'm heading out to a Proffesor luncheon. This is held once a semester for Prof's that let members from Campus for Christ (Vida Estudiantil) speak in their classrooms. They are behind the scenes giving the organization more and more freedom and favor from authorities. God is softening many hearts and we are just so grateful for the Prof's that are all so welcoming.
To end here are some random factoids:
- Toast here in Panama doesn't actually toast, it just browns cause it's so humid.
- I have watched more movies here than ever in my life, there's not a WHOLE lot to do at night after a long day...movies are a mere $2.50! And I actually understand them when they're voiced over (which is REALLY humerous)...this is progress!
- I can actually have meaningful conversations in Spanish.
- Most cab drivers actually point out that I look like I'm from Holland, I find this impressive.