vida estudiantil.
This past Monday, I was so happy just to talk with these 4 girls. I had the chance to speak about integrity in their class (the professors here are so welcoming) and then we met up to talk about faith. I love giving students a chance to talk about their beliefs without pressure, in a comfortable environment. Everyone thinks about it, even if they try to avoid it…why are we here? What’s this life all about? My friend Anna and I had the chance to pray with 3 girls. It was Anna’s first time sharing her faith so it was exciting! They really wanted to start living their lives with Christ, and we’re meeting up next week to hang out.
Today we had around 40 people at the weekly meeting and the numbers just keep on growing. What God is doing here on the campus is something so amazing, revolutionary, wonderful. I had a chance to speak about the obstacles I’ve faced and how God has overcome them all. Looking back on how God has orchestrated my life is just mind boggling, I’ve support raised for 5 different mission trips…never seeming to have much faith that God would provide the funds and he always does. I’ve been through family troubles, and sicknesses and feeling like, “Who am I that God wants to send me anywhere?” THROUGH IT ALL…I’ve realized that living for God isn’t about me in the least, not about what I understand, or how much faith I feel I have…it’s about being willing to die to yourself and live for Christ. Cause when I’m out of the picture, things work out…God’s will can be accomplished without the sin in my life that always gets in the way. Anyways, thought I’d just spill a little and show some pictures of what’s been going on.
Oh and as far as my Spanish goes, it’s getting better. I feel like I’m at a bit of a lull because I haven’t been studying much…but I understand more and more each day. I’d love to just snap my fingers and speak fluently but I know God’s doing a good work in me as this process continues. I love Spanish. I'm meeting up with about 8 girls tomorrow to talk about their faith, etc. without a transator. I think I can handle it :) Hasta Luego